AGB sample card production

Offer and pricing

All offers are ex factory and are subject to change. The date of delivery is decisive for the price calculation, unless fixed prices have been expressly agreed upon. The prices are valid for the completion of the order without interruption. Additional costs caused by partial deliveries requested by the customer, insufficient sample material or other circumstances for which the factory is not responsible will be charged. The same applies to subsequent changes or corrections for which the factory is not responsible.

Materials are to be delivered free to the factory, free of rights of third parties, stating the quantity and with adequate processing allowance. There shall be no inspection of quality and quantity. By handing over the materials, the customer acknowledges their processability. The factory is not liable for defects in the materials delivered by the customer and their consequences. As a result of the increasingly frequent addition of synthetic fibres to the fabrics or subsequent treatment of the fabrics with chemicals, the effect of which is unknown to us when gluing, we cannot guarantee the durability of the adhesives we use. Third party property is stored uninsured at the risk of the owner. Requested insurances have to be taken out in front of the owner.

Drafts, models, clichés, printing and embossing plates and the like remain our property. The right to reproduce our own designs, originals and the like in any process and for any purpose remains with us. Reprinting is not permitted without our permission. Otherwise the examination of the right of reproduction is the responsibility of the customer. In cases of violation of a copyright, patent or utility model, the client must compensate us for all legal claims, costs and expenses. We request that printing plates, embossing plates and the like delivered by the customer be delivered free to the factory. Return shipment is at the expense of the orderer.

Tests, preliminary work, sketches etc. arranged by the customer will be charged. If accelerated delivery is required, for which overtime or other additional expenses are necessary, a surcharge may be charged.

Proofs must be checked by the client for typesetting and other errors and returned ready for printing. We are not liable for errors overlooked by the client. Changes made by telephone must be repeated in writing. Typographical errors will be corrected free of charge, however, any changes, orderer or author corrections required in deviation from the artwork will be charged according to the working time used for this purpose. In the case of color reproductions in all printing processes, minor deviations from the original or from the press proof shall not be considered grounds for a notice of defects.

Delivery and acceptance

For all deliveries, deviations from the quantity ordered of up to 10%, and for color cards produced in the lacquer printing process up to 20% up or down, are permissible. The invoice amount shall be increased or reduced accordingly.

The delivered goods shall be inspected by the customer immediately upon receipt. Any complaints must be made within 8 days, otherwise the goods shall be deemed to have been accepted. Deviations in the quality of the paper and other material procured by us cannot be objected to if they are declared permissible in the terms of delivery of the relevant supplier associations.

The goods travel at the risk of the recipient, even in the case of carriage paid delivery. Paper and cardboard packaging will be charged at cost price and will not be taken back. Boxes will be credited at two thirds of the calculated price if returned in good condition within 4 weeks.

We have the right to affix a manufacturer’s note on the delivered articles, consisting of company logo, address and company number.

We reserve the right, if necessary, to carry out delivery through companies legally associated with us.

Notice of defects and warranty

Due to the versatility of the materials to be processed and the diversity in their behaviour during processing, claims for conversion and damages are excluded.

Force majeure, hindrance due to legal or official measures, difficulties in procuring raw materials or materials, work interruptions, other operational disruptions or restrictions, regardless of whether these events occur in our own company, in companies related to the delivery or during dispatch, release us from the obligation of timely and complete delivery or entitle us to withdraw from the delivery contract without compensation for damages. Claims for damages due to delayed delivery cannot be made.

If the goods are stored at the factory, the delivery shall be deemed to have been fulfilled in accordance with the contract.

We shall not be liable for indirect loss of the customer resulting from delay in delivery, printing errors or other mistakes. Neither are we liable for any claims made by third parties for the aforementioned reasons.

Payment and place of jurisdiction

The prices are in Euro. A right to withhold the purchase price or to offset it against counterclaims is excluded. Expenses incurred by the customer in the course of business are to be reimbursed in immediate loss-free cash.

Payment must be made without deduction in legal tender within 30 days of the invoice date. For payments within 10 days a discount of 2% is granted. With the day of the maturity, without special reminder, default occurs. Default interest is 2% above the central bank discount rate. Bills of exchange, cheques, instructions and the like will only be accepted for use without exchange rate and loss of payment under the usual reservation. Seizures or advance payment of the invoice amount may be demanded, especially if the factory becomes aware of circumstances which endanger the fulfilment of its payment claim. Furthermore, in the case of larger orders, interim invoices may be issued and partial payment may be demanded in accordance with the work performed.

The delivered goods remain our property until the agreed price has been paid in full or until the cheques or bills of exchange issued for this purpose have been honoured.

Place of performance and jurisdiction, also for the dunning procedure, is Göttingen.

Exclusion of third party conditions

It shall be deemed agreed that the customer shall object to our terms of delivery and payment by separate letter (not solely by his printed terms of purchase) if he has meant the conclusion of the transaction on another basis.

Any supplements to our conditions are only valid if they are agreed in writing.