Muster-Schmidt head office
Verlagsgesellschaft Hans Hansen-Schmidt mbH
Business address:
Am Westerberg 11
D-37130 Gleichen
Production and administration:
Schuhstrasse 1/6
D-37154 Northeim-Sudheim
Phone: +49-(0)55 51-90842-0
Fax: +49-(0)55 51-90842-29
Commercial register Göttingen: HRB 2800
VAT-Number: DE 178 852 940
Muster-Schmidt RAL-Farbkartenvertrieb
Schuhstraße 1/6
37154 Northeim-Sudheim
Tel.: (0 55 51) 9 08 42-0
Fax: (0 55 51) 9 08 42-29
Commercial register Göttingen: HRB 1068
VAT-Number: DE 115 300 968
Managing director and responsible in the sense of § 10 paragraph 3 Mediendienste-Staatsvertrag:
Alexandra Gerhardy
The present contents of the Internet presence of the Verlagsgesellschaft Hans Hansen-Schmidt mbH are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. The use of the texts and illustrations, including excerpts thereof, without our prior written consent is a violation of the provisions of copyright law and is therefore illegal. This applies in particular to all exploitation rights such as reproduction, translation or use in electronic systems. Registered trademarks, trade names, utility models and logos are used on our website. Even if these are not marked as such in the respective places, the corresponding legal regulations apply.
The Verlagsgesellschaft Hans Hansen-Schmidt mbH is responsible as a content provider according to §8 Teledienstegesetz for its “own content” which it provides for use. Although all contents are carefully checked and constantly updated, no guarantee can be given for the completeness, correctness and up-to-dateness. We are therefore not liable for any damages in connection with the use of these contents. We are also not liable for the content of external websites that are linked from our site.
Producer of this website
dtp studio oldenburg – c/o Dipl. Oec. Holger Everding – Grünteweg 31 – 26127 Oldenburg – Tel. 0441-3001807